Our e-Commerce Solutions
EvalExpert’s proprietary automotive data technology provides you solutions for your automotive data lookup requirements.
“We Buy Your Car” Web Form
Presents to your website visitors a professional, easy and quick to use form to submit their vehicle details on your “We Buy Your Car” website.
The potential customers vehicle details are accurately and efficiently captured, meaning a low drop out rate for your details submission form and less back and forth with your customer for details.
“Trade-In” Submission Web Form
Present an easy and quick to use form for your customers to submit their trade-in vehicle details on your dealerships new car enquiry website.
Your customers trade-in vehicle details are captured accurately and efficiently, stand out from crowd with a simple vehicle detail capture form, which ensures a higher completion rate and less back and forth with your customer for details about their trade-in ensuring you are more accurately informed when contacting your customer.
“What’s My Car Worth” Web Form
Present an easy and quick to use form for your customers to submit their vehicle details on your “What’s My Car Worth” website.
Pricing estimates are displayed to your customer after contact details are captured, and allows the customer to provide their feedback on the values presented - this allows you to contact your customers more informed of their expectations.